Design Related History

Art studies:

2006 - 2009
Anglia Ruskin University,
Cambridge, UK
BA Hons: Graphic and Web Design

2000 - 2002
Eventus, School of Business Studies and Arts,
Eger, Hungary
Graphic Design

1995 - 1999
Győri Balett Művészeti Szakközépiskolája
(School of Arts)
Győr, Hungary
Textile Designer

Work experience:

2008 - current
Graphic and Web Design Freelance Company,
Cambridge, UK
Running my own freelance design business I have
the chance to create artwork for companies such as
The Glassworks and The Tilbury

July 2008 - August 2008
iTransact ltd.
Cambridge, UK
Participating in the ShellStep programme I had the chance to work as a web designer at iTransact ltd.

July 2002 - July 2005
Diamond Digital Printing Shop
Eger, Hungary
Designing, editing and preparing for print different types of publications from business cards to magazines.
decoration photo